Possible Conditions You May Want Healed:
Lack of energy
Back problems
Heart Disease
Relationship issues
Burn out from busy life and tasks
Goal Achievement
Feeling emotionally unstable
Stress management
Beginning a new phase of your life
Divorce or Separation
Pain Management
Terminal Illness
Chronic Fatigue
Post Covid Symptoms
Brennan Healing Science
Can transform your life into the balanced experience you have always wanted.
Establish deep connection with your inner spiritual guidance.
Fulfill your heart's true longings.
Reveal your unique life purpose.
Promote physical healing of many disease conditions at the core.
Restore a sense of well-being and emotional balance.
Enhance mental clarity and stability.
Discover your innate creative capabilities.
Develop Hara, the intention and ability to achieve goals.
Open to experience more joy in your life!
Healer intentionally supports client's low back area.
Brennan Healing Science (BHS) is a hands-on healing system that works with an individual's energy consciousness system to create physical, mental and spiritual health. During a BHS session, blocked energy is released, allowing you to feel more sensations in the body. You may experience new internal realizations that result in positive growth.